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Tech Etch: Innovation Leaders in Chemical Milling and EMI-RFI Shielding 

2024-10-27T08:11:00+00:00Blog, EMI / RFI Shielding, News|

Your Content Goes Here At Tech Etch, we specialize in the precision engineering of thin metal components, flexible printed circuits, and EMI/RFI shielding, providing top-tier solutions across aerospace, medical, military, and telecommunications industries. This article explores our expertise and core competencies in chemical milling and EMI/RFI shielding.  Our Expertise in Chemical Milling  We utilize

Polyimide Films For Your Next High-Tech Application

2022-05-16T15:39:26+00:00Blog, Precision Parts Manufacturing|

Polyimide has become an industry-standard material for high-tech applications in the field of aerospace, aviation, electronics, and even medical. The electronics industry uses polyimide films to insulate flexible cables and cover magnets. Similarly, hospitals and surgeons use optical fibers, venous grafts, and artery stents coated with thin films of polyimide which are safe

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